Two years go today David asked me to be his wife! Crazy how fast the time goes it feels like he just asked me! I thought I would share the story again for those who haven't heard it but mostly for myself before my memory starts to alter it.
We first talked about getting married on the drive home from conference weekend two October's ago. I can't even remember how it came up I probably said something like well at my wedding I'll do this and then it turned into at our wedding we'll do this. I didn't think anything of this conversation I didn't say anything about to any of my friends. I guess I didn't think he was serious about marrying me. It wasn't until the next night when we were sitting on the couch just hanging out when he said "we'll probably get married in April." (or something like that) that it finally hit me that he WAS serious about marrying me!! I was in serious shock I think all I said was "ya" and not much else.
Then for the next 2 months we talked about it and looked at every ring under the sun!! I thought I knew exactly what I wanted. A simple solitaire diamond on a simple band. But David had me go look (smart man) and I soon found out there was more to choose from then just simple and simple. Then I had no idea what I wanted. We looked everywhere Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Seattle, Texas, Other peoples hands. Then Finally two months later I picked the first one I fell in love with. All of that and I chose the first one I saw. He was like are you sure this is the one? I said yes and he paid for it right then! The Whole thing! I was SUPER impressed! They took the ring to clean and dip it, and sauder the wedding band to the engagment ring I didn't want to wait for it and he didn't care. They said it was going to take two weeks to get the ring back which really sucked because we had been talking about and looking for rings for 2 months I didn't want to wait any longer. We walked out of the Jewelry store so Happy and Giddy!
So we we're suppose to get it on a Saturday it didn't come I was really sad I really just wanted to be engaged already. David told me for sure on Wedneday. So I waited.......
For the past week David had been talking about going to Craigo's ( a pizza place in Rexburg) so Tuesday night he was like can we please go to Craigo's!! I said of course and when he came to pick me up my friends were like are we not going out to eat? I had forgotten I was suppose to go with them and I was like o ya I'll go with you guys but David was behind me waving his hands saying no. I was oblivious to all of this somehow.
So we were on our way to Craigo's when David said he had to stop by the Tabernacle to turn off a paint pump. David works for the city and they had been working in the tabernacle all week and earlier that week he said something about going back to the tabernacle to turn something off or get something so I thought nothing of this strange paint pump turning off business. So we pull up to the tabernacle and it's so dark and scary I don't want to go with him but he makes me. We are walking up to the tabernacle and I'm still so oblivious it blows my mind looking back on this how oblivious I was.

He opens the door to the tabernacle and I see pictures hanging up in the foyer and I think O that's cute this church has pictures of there member's hanging up. I still have not caught on to what is happening. Then he turns on the light and I see that the pictures are of me! and it finally all starts coming together but before I can speak he's down on one knee and asking me to marry him! and I say YES!! I didn't cry which is surprising because I'm a big cryer! I was too happy and surprised to cry!

BOTH of my huge bouquet of flowers we're in the door handles

I'm really glad I was totally surprised. I always pictured myself being totally surprised when my husband asked me to marry him but wasn't sure if I actually would so it was awesome I had no idea what was going on until the second before he asked.

Freshly Engaged

Bride to Be! SO HAPPY!!

FLOWERS!! They were perfect I couldn't have asked for anything better!
Two Years Later and we are still celebrating one of the most exciting days of our life's we are really big celebrators don't be surprised to see YES X 3 on here next year!

Flowers for me! I am very much so Loved! We went to dinner at our favorite restaurant in Rexburg the Snake Bite! He reserved us a table by the window! How wonderful is that? So thoughtful! Dinner was delicious then we went to Great Harvest to get a cookie but it was some special night so we got it for Free!

That's right he took me Roller Skating my Favorite! Remember Roller Skating in Denver? This place was like a complete 180 from Denver's Skate Town. Completely G rated! There was a sign in the front before you went into the skating area that said No mini skirts no smoking no foul language no jumping no spaghetti straps! and much more! Plus they were playing the YMCA when we walked in it was Awesome! So much better then the nasty fest going on in Denver! For once in my life I was grateful to be in such a Mormon run town!

We had so much fun they did the Chicken dance, the Hokie Pokie and the Limbo! David is waiting in line above I did it a couple of times but had to sit out it got too low for me.

I Love My Husband!
I'm so grateful to have found such a Wonderful, Fun, Hilarious, Handsome, Smart, Thoughtful, and Kind person to spend eternity with. And I'm grateful someone so amazing as him thinks I'm just as amazing that he would ask me to marry him!
P.S.- Paint pumps don't exist.