I was exhausted at this point and we were only half way. 
2 hours later from when we started we got to this. Beautiful view of the Tetons.
I did it!!
He did it!!
now for the Hike down hooray!
At the bottom
We are almost there you can see some of the Beauty...
All 3 hours were worth it for this. 

Too bad it was super windy so we couldn't go swimming. But I'm glad it wasn't too Hot or else the hike would have been awful. We ate our snacks, and hung out for a bit. Hiking down was much faster, it only took us an hour.
Even the drive out to Packsaddle was beautiful.
This is much cooler in real life. I didn't think we were going to make it through in our little car but David is an excellent driver.
2 hours later from when we started we got to this. Beautiful view of the Tetons.

I did it!!
He did it!!

now for the Hike down hooray!

At the bottom

We are almost there you can see some of the Beauty...

Too bad it was super windy so we couldn't go swimming. But I'm glad it wasn't too Hot or else the hike would have been awful. We ate our snacks, and hung out for a bit. Hiking down was much faster, it only took us an hour.
Even the drive out to Packsaddle was beautiful.
Off Roading from Courtney Palmer on Vimeo.
This is much cooler in real life. I didn't think we were going to make it through in our little car but David is an excellent driver.