Now that you've gone through and purged your closet you can see the holes in your wardrobe and are probably wanting to go out for a massive shopping trip. I wish that was the next step but remember the end goal is having a closet full of pieces that go together to create a certain look and unfortunately that is going to take time.
So the next thing to do is wait and take the time to research what you want your new wardrobe to look like, not necessarily specific items but just a feel for your new wardrobe. If you did your closet purge correctly you still have quiet a bit of clothing to wear while you decide what you want your wardrobe to be. This has been the hardest part for me because I am attracted to so many different kinds of styles but that is also why this step is so important. It has prevented me from buying random pieces, I am now extremely cautious when picking out new pieces for my wardrobe.
The best way to go about researching your new wardrobe is to use Pinterest. The outfit inspiration is limitless and you're able to keep all that inspiration in one place. I have two boards where I am currently posting outfit ideas. One is called "MAMA WARDROBE" and the other is "STYLE" The mama wadrobe board is more realistic outfits for my day to day life while the style board are outfits I like but wouldn't wear on a daily basis, maybe something I would wear out on a date or a nicer event.
Having two boards helps me to understand the two different roles I need my outfits to play. You don't want the two boards to be totally separate in style and feel thought. If you took both of your boards and put them together you shouldn't be able to tell that they were ever separate.
Before starting this project I went and reviewed my only fashion board on Pinterest and realized that my fashion board was all over the place. Every outfit was different from the next and there was no consistency in style or feel. I could see how my closet had gotten where it was.
So now when pinning I ask myself if is this a look I think is cute or a look I would actually wear and purchase? If it is something I just find cute I do not pin it anywhere and just keep scrolling. For me this works and helps keep my mind clear of what I actually want verses what I just find appealing. It is natural for us to like many different styles but when creating our own personal wardrobe it is better to keep it realistic as to what we would wear in our real life. This doesn't mean you can't post outfits you think are cute. Just create a separate board for those kind of outfits if you so wish, for me it is easier to not pin them at all.
With pinterest you're basically creating a virtual wardrobe to see if this style you have picked out for yourself is something you would actually wear. It's giving you a testing ground without having to financial commit. When I started doing this wardrobe project I concentrated a lot of my thoughts on my mama wardrobe board, I really wanted to solidife my day to day look first. After a few months I noticed that everything I had pinned was very plain and almost tomboyish but when I went out shopping those weren't the items I was grabbing for. I realized that I wanted those tomboy elements of comfort in my outfits but to also feel feminine. This was a huge break through for me and by having a board full of realistic inspiration I was able to see what it was that I was really wanting
You can also see if you are pinning something similar over and over, for instance I am always pinning jeans and stripped t's in my mama wardrobe so I know this is a look I am a fan of (so original I know) and when I'm out shopping it helps keep my mind clear as well for what I know I actually want in a wardrobe and what I just find appealing.
{all from my Pinterest account}
So that is the next step I would took when building your wardrobe. I know that it can be hard to choose a specific style when starting this I had an idea already of what I wanted but I do have a little exercise you can do to help you figure that out. I will post that in my next building a wardrobe post.I would seriously love to know if anyone is following along with this and actually doing it and how it is going. Please comment and let me know or shoot me an e-mail if you don't like commenting.