(after one of our first dates. I had mentioned that I wanted to go feed the Duck's in Idaho Falls and a couple day's later he surprised me with a trip to IF to feed the Duck's. So thoughtful! I knew I had found someone who would make me very happy!)
When I first met David he had long gorgeous curly locks. I loved them. I thought he looked so Handsome. Then I cut them off for him. Why did I agree to do this? I regret it because now he won't grow them back. He has tried twice since I cut them off the first time. Once while we were living in Denver he only lasted for a little under two months. Then this January I convinced him to grow his hair out again and for awhile I really thought he was going to do it. But he just couldn't handle it so I cut his hair. He poofed out his hair before I took these pictures it usually looks really good.
the end.
Looks good both ways. Uh... not the puffed look, the other with the curls I mean. Anyway, I suppose the short look is easier to manage with summer right around the corner.
ReplyDeleteMen and their hair! Pure drama!