April 23, 2015

Building A Wardrobe// Part 7: Lets try a Capsule

The hardest part for me in this whole Building A Wardrobe project is figuring out how I would transform my closet. It all just seemed too overwhelming to completely re-transform my wardrobe to look the way I want. I was trying to change it all at once, what I needed to do was look at it on a smaller scale and transform it in baby steps. The best way I have found to do this is with a capsule wardrobe.

Basically a capsule wardrobe is a wardrobe with a set number of pieces for each season. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. You only wear what is in your capsule for that season mix and matching and making to create enough looks to last you the entire 3 months. Then when the next season comes along you switch it out.

A capsule makes it easier to build your wardrobe from the bottom up. By shopping per season you're able to focus on what your wardrobe really needs at that moment. Basically you're buying a mini wardrobe each season and within a year could have completely re vamped your entire closet. The whole idea is genius and the perfect next step to take in this building a wardrobe series/project. It also gives us the chance to really test out our new style and learn from it.

With summer coming up in just a few short months we have plenty of time to prep our summer capsules. The first day of Summer is June 23rd but I am planning to start my capsule on June 1st and go through until the first day of Fall dependent on weather. So this gives us 6 weeks to prep and I've got it all planned out for our capsules to be ready to go on June 1st.

I've seen people do capsules with all kinds of rules and regulations but I have given myself two guidelines for my capsule but you do what is best for you in your situation.

- I plan to have no more than 50 items in my summer capsule. This will include* Tops, Bottoms, Shoes and accessories.
- I will have all the items bought before the start of the capsule and then not buy anymore during the season.
- If I find that there is an item I am really needing in my capsule but didn't think about until later I will go ahead and buy it.

Once I actual start shopping I may realize that 50 pieces is too many but I didn't want to give myself too much restriction. My goal here is to not have a minimal wardrobe but one where all pieces serve a purpose and will be worm and I feel like 50 items is a good place to start and hopefully with that goal set I will naturally have less items. Also the capsule is not here to punish us, make guidelines and try to stick to them but also learn from it and change it up if you need to.

Here is a break down of the next 6 weeks: If you've been following along for the past few months you should be ready to just jump right in. If not no problem I will que you when to go back and do a step we've already done.

April  27th- Closet Clean out. It's been awhile since the last one, we probably need another.

May 4th- Create a Dream board.

May 11th- Create a shopping list and budget. 

May 18th- Start shopping.

May 25th- Get organized.

June 1st - Let the capsule party begin.

Each week I will share the next step in our capsule prep and you will have that whole week to complete that step.  So when June 1st comes you should be totally ready to start. I seriously am so so so excited about this you guys, I may even go as far as to to share my outfits with you...

*I'm not including swimwear in my capsule just because it's not something I wear everyday and am not considering it apart of my actual wardrobe.


  1. I love this idea! I love your blog too!
    Andrea Snow
    I just started blogging. Well 4 months ago and I am learning everyday.
    Any tips?

  2. Yes, that is right. Make your wardrobe organized, and most importantly, make them efficient. There are only so much clothes you are going to need at one time. Even if you have an impressive looking wardrobe, if you cannot use it well for your purposes, then it will be for naught. You have to make the wardrobe physically accessible as well, with the closet space easy to move around in. Capsule wardrobes would certainly help. Thanks for sharing!

    Angella Frasier @ 4-Wardrobe
