Me and David have been married for one year and nine months today but who's counting......
Tomorrow we both start school the winter semester went by so quickly it feel's like it just started but it's already gone and it's my turn to go to school again. which I'm excited about but at the same time not. I've never had a very loving relationship with school more of a hating relationship but this semester should be fun because
1. I'm taking French 2!
2. I'm taking Piano!
3. I'm taking Book Arts ( you learn how to make journal's scrapbook's etc... Awesome)
but then I have to take lame classes like Botany bla and FA 100 bla Art Seminar
David's taking classes like
Creative Writing (can't wait to see what happens there)
ADVANCED graphic design
Art Seminar
pretty much taking a lot of generals this semester and we are both working.
As far as my goals for this past semester {
goals} I wouldn't give myself a gold star but a silver I think I deserve
1.Read to Alma
( I was awesome at this. I got there a month ago!)
2. Read 3 new books
( I only read Alice in Wonderland which is great everyone should read it and I'm working on pride and prejudice at the moment my goal for the year is ten books so I better hurry up.)
3.Loose 5 pounds and get rewarded with the most beautiful swimsuite from J.crew or anthro.
(so did not happen but I didn't gain weight..... I'll work on that this semester)
4. Write in Journal 3 times a week
( it was more like once or twice a month I'll work on this one as well)
5. Learn how to make a new cookie really well
( i made shortbreads never tried anything more intense but the shortbreads we're amazing)
6.Decide what to do with school
( Probably my greatest accomplishment of the semester I will share later)
7. Learn to crochet
( never picked up a needle, still working on my scarf from christmas... don't judge)
8. Make new friends
( really surprised myself with this one, I mad a lot of new friend's)
9. Learn how to make good rolls
(i made some for Easter I wouldn't say they we're good but I did it)
So there we have it I didn't complete all of them but I think I accomplished the more important one's and I can always work on them this semester. I'm excited for the summer I am so ready for the warmth and all the fun activities that come with it!