Jacket: F21. Chambray: J.Crew. Pants: American Eagle. Shoes/Glasses: Target. Lips: Revlon Fire&Ice.
Ok so I'm really sorry I don't have a Makeover Monday for you this week. Scheduling was just not in my favor. But as you can see the Blog did get it's own little makeover. What do you think? I love it! It feels so good to have something fresh to look at wouldn't you say?
Ok so I'm really sorry I don't have a Makeover Monday for you this week. Scheduling was just not in my favor. But as you can see the Blog did get it's own little makeover. What do you think? I love it! It feels so good to have something fresh to look at wouldn't you say?
Anyways my weekend was great, especially with the hubs being back in town. I miss him like crazy when he's gone and am always happy to have him back. We had a date night planned for Friday night to celebrate him being home but as I came out of class Friday Afternoon there was a small blanket of snow/hail on the ground!
Which honestly is not that surprising but I mean come on Rexburg it's almost May! So as you can only imagine that night was quite chilly. Which I thought would be the perfect excuse to bring out my awesome jacket. Would you call this a jacket? Does it have a fancier name, I'm not sure. You think I would know claiming to be Fancy and all.
Also please note that Bri (my awesome coder) is still worker on a few things, getting all the links together, and sizing right. So if you try to click on something and it doesn't work right now it should by tonight or tomorrow.
Which honestly is not that surprising but I mean come on Rexburg it's almost May! So as you can only imagine that night was quite chilly. Which I thought would be the perfect excuse to bring out my awesome jacket. Would you call this a jacket? Does it have a fancier name, I'm not sure. You think I would know claiming to be Fancy and all.
Also please note that Bri (my awesome coder) is still worker on a few things, getting all the links together, and sizing right. So if you try to click on something and it doesn't work right now it should by tonight or tomorrow.