I thought: We would leave Saturday morning, get the computer fixed, eat some delicious Tony Caputo's, shop, and then head back to Rexburg that night.
but my Husband is way more amazing that so...
What really happened: Thursday night David suggested that we leave for Utah on Friday and go for the whole weekend. I really didn't want to but he insisted and said I really wanted to. So we left Friday after our classes. I was suspicious of some surprises to come but wasn't at all expecting what was to come.
I don't know Salt Lake that well so I thought nothing of where David was driving.
So we are driving around downtown and all the sudden he pull's into the Hilton.
big jaw drop face!! I couldn't believe my Husbands cleverness!
"I'm giving you a Glamour Weekend!"-david
"I'm giving you a Glamour Weekend!"-david
David planned or I guess you could say didn't plan a whole weekend of just me and him hanging out doing nothing. We didn't have to talk to anyone, or see anyone if we didn't want to. It was so nice. I was so giddy all weekend!

as you can tell.
This man could not figure out what was going on.....
Then we went on a HUGE shopping spree!! Instead of being smart and save are Tax return like we always do we spent it. and it felt great!

David spent more of his tax return money then I did.
It was so fun to run around the store's and find him different outfit's instead of the other way around.
Tour of the Hotel
It was so fun to run around the store's and find him different outfit's instead of the other way around.
Tour of the Hotel

Look at how handsome my Husband is

we went to a cute Ice Cream place walking distance from our Hotel. However we didn't know this when we found it and were driving around trying to find somewhere to park when I saw the Hotel a block away.

I love to take these pictures.... if you haven't noticed.
Stopped at In N' Out for our last hoooray!!

Thank you Husband for a wonderful and much needed weekend,
Sometimes a little get away is the best investment. I hope you both had fun.